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Coupon for Coffeemate... $1 off

Now is the time of year that I stock up on my coffee creamers.  They often have them on deeper sales this time of the year due to the colder weather and the holidays coming up.  

I take advantage of the better sales and the extra coupons they put out and stock my freezer with them.  Not only do I do this because I really like some of the holiday flavors, like Coffeemate's Peppermint Mocha, but I find that they freeze very well so I can have them anytime of the year... long past their expiration dates!

Coffeemate is currently sending out $1 off coupons for their creamers on their website.  You do have to register on their site, but you can opt out of future promotions, etc.  Here is a link to their site.  

Gotta love that cup o'java!

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