Many Kmart stores are doing Super Doubling
again this week Oct 26-Nov 1.
Any manufacturer coupon valued at $2 or less will be doubled at participating stores. You can only use 4 like coupons There is a limit of 75 coupons per person per day at each store. Overage will not be given. Internet coupons will not be accepted to double for this promotion. Some stores will not double coupons that say do not double even if they start with a 5 (coupons at most stores will still double if the first number by the barcode starts with a 5)again this week Oct 26-Nov 1.
If you haven't heard about this yet, here are the details...
Check with your local Kmart to find out if it is included in this promotion. Several have reported that their store didn't advertise the promotion but have taken in a flier from another store that talks of the promotion. Some managers are honoring it after seeing the other stores flier. You can also email Kmart at to find out if your store is participating. They need your state, city and zip code.
This is said to be a complete list, but I'm not sure if the source is valid.
Many items are free or at a steep discount with this promotion. Several have posted the deals. You can find some of them here at Saving Money Ideas and here at Common Sense with Money.
I haven't yet been, going tomorrow!! This is the first time I have participated in this promotion so we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to it... wish me luck.
I'll try and post a pic of my purchases and what I paid for it so you can have a visual.
Extra... Extra....
If you sign up right now to get Kmart email promotions they will email you 2 coupons for $5 off $50. Use this with the current Super Doubles and do even better! Be sure to use the $5 coupon before your manufacturer coupons!
Here's the link...

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