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I found these while looking through the Marsh information earlier...

If you go to the Marsh page I have here and click on the "Indy Star Coupons" link, it will ask you if you want to see the coupons. Click the "Yes...." link.

There are lots of good coupons here, and you can probably print two of each.

Go through and select the ones you want and then hit "print selected coupons" at the end. When it's done printing, just go back through and do the same again. The site will leave "cookies" on your computer so you can only print a limited number of each particular coupon, so may be different limits than others. "Cookies" are a normal way computers communicate and nothing to worry about if you've never heard of them before.

The site is similar to Smartsource.com. I wasn't able to print & try it today because I need more ink for my printer... It may actually even be their own link to the Smartsource coupons. If this is the case you may only be able to print them in one place if they have the same coupons. If any one knows, or tries it and finds out, let me know.

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