50 free prints

SwagBucks... free code!

Search & Win

Sign up with Swagbucks and get 2 free points by entering the code

If you've not signed up for SwagBucks... Now's a great opportunity!

You get 3 points when you sign up as a new member, plus 2 for signing up now. It takes 45 points to earn a $5 Amazon gift card. I signed up about 3 weeks ago and I'm 4 points from getting a gift card.

All you do is search through Swagbucks to win points & other prizes. You earn points faster if you can get people to sign up under you... every time they win, you do too (up to 100)!

This code is good through Wednesday at midnight PST... so sign up and then get your friends to sign up under you... they can use the code too :)

Thanks to MoneySavingMethods for sharing this deal.

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