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500 Business cards for $1.99... !!!

Here's a great new deal
from Vistaprint!

Buy 250 business cards for $1.99, get 250 free.
That's 500 business cards for $1.99!!

I've used Vista Print and have been very satisfied with the products I have ordered. They come quickly and are exactly as I expect.

When I first started using coupons and finding deals, I often had cashiers and customers behind me at the checkout line ask me how to shop that way or where to find coupons. Instead of hunting for bits of paper in my purse, I found it easier if I had a business card with my favorite websites for saving money listed on it.

I was able to give people the information they wanted without taking a lot of my time to do it.

You can get more customized business cards done there as well for a very reasonable price! I've looked at those too thinking I would order one with an image from the website if I ever get a nice title done, that's what is holding me back from ordering right now... gotta work on that!

Other great ideas for business cards...
They're not just for businesses anymore!!

Love this idea!!
Are you a mom?
Think about having a mommy card made. Consider this... you set up a play date for your child. When you meet the other mom you realize you need to exchange information, like phone numbers, email, etc. and find yourself digging through your purse to find a scrap piece of paper to write on... been there before? Wouldn't it be great to pull out a card with all of that information on it... no digging! You look so organized & trendy too! If you have to dig for everything else in your purse... no one would have to know- it's our secret.

Typical Mommy Card information

Your Name
Mommy of "child/children's names"

phone numbers

Not a Mommy? Make your own card for the purpose of sharing when you run into an old school friend, or someone you haven't seen for awhile. Saves you time... don't have to find a pen and paper, and makes you look like you've got it all together.

You always see those drop jars for drawings for free meals at restaurants, but you have to have a business card to enter. Order some free ones and you can enter them too!

These are just a few ideas... got others?
Please share if you do!! We'd love to hear from you!

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