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Cellfire... Save money without clipping coupons!

Cellfire is a great eCoupon company
helping connect you with clip-less coupons.

  • eCoupons are coupons that you link to a store card that give you money off for specific items at the checkout.

I've been using them, and love how easy it is
to load coupons to my card and check my coupons in my account.

  • Cellfire allows you to link coupons to grocery store rewards cards to give you an added savings without the work of coupons.
  • Cellfire coupons work along with other coupons.

All you have to do
is sign up, enter your rewards card(s) and start choosing the coupons to add to your card(s).

You can print
a list of the coupons you selected to carry with you if you choose.

Cellfire requests your cell phone number
to get you started, but you don't have to use it beyond the initial sign up to get your coupons. Your cell phone number simply becomes your login.

Another great feature of Cellfire
is that they offer many other good deals and discounts for everything from stores to restaurants. These other deals are sent to your cell phone where you can show the retail the specific code for the deal you signed up for, this is why they ask for your cell phone number to start. To use this feature, you have to have internet service available on your phone.

If your phone doesn't have internet capability, as mine doesn't, you won't be able to sign up for other retail/restaurant coupons, but it is certainly worth it to sign up for the grocery savings!

Cellfire updates their grocery coupons
on a regular basis.

I will try and let you when they do so, so you don't miss out on any great coupons!

Please use the link to the left of the page to take you to Cellfire.com!

I will leave a link on the site for your easy access...
enjoy your new-found savings!

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