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UPromise.... Earn Money at the Grocery!


I haven't talked about Upromise for awhile and with today's economy and many people struggling just to make ends meet I think it's vital that we make the most of the programs available to us!

Upromise is a free program that earns you money for the child of your choice (doesn't have to be your child if you don't have one), or a school for education. All you have to do is sign up and link give them your grocery & drug store reward card numbers to start earning money back on the items you already buy anyway.

Once you've signed up, you can just leave it and let it accumulate, or you can link eCoupons (electronic coupons) to your card that credit your child the coupon value for every one that you redeem.

I simply check the site occasionally to add any new coupons that they've offered and forget the rest. I earn what I earn from there & it's fun to watch the amount slowly grow!

Want to take it a step further?
Add your credit card &/or debit card numbers to your account and any purchases that you make with your card that qualify for a reward will earn you that reward, even if you don't know about the reward offered. This is great because many restaurants and other stores offer rewards, but don't have a store card you can enter.

Upromise has been around for awhile and is a reputable company. I don't know of anyone who has had any trouble with entering their credit card info.

Check out Upromise today!

I love the free college money :)

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