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Children's Place Clothing starting at $.99...

Unfortunately it looks as though these have all gone back to regular prices.

The Children's Place Faux-layered Knit Dress
Only $.99!

Right now at Amazonyou can find some Children's Place
clothing clearanced to $.99 an item!!

There are even a few buys at $.19 !!

You do have to pay shipping,
unless you sign up for the free trial of Amazon Prime.
But at those rates, some of the items are still worth the price even when you pay shipping.... or get a few items to combine the shipping costs to make it worth the shipping fee.

Here are a few of the items:

Big-Girls Dazzle Ballet Shoes
These are adorable

Baby-Boys Quest Hiker Shoes
Cute little boys shoes!

There are loads more items for $.99!
Just go to Amazon and do some searches on Children's Place clothing for the sizes you need.
Would be a great way to shop for a baby shower or Christmas.

Quantities are very limited! So shop fast... :)

Thanks AFrugalFriend!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I am missing something but all of the stuff you have listed is coming up full price on Amazon? Am I doing something wrong? The dress is 12.50 and the boys hoodie is 24.50... Thanks. Jen

Suz said...

Wow.. they must have changed them all back! They were all $.99 last evening when I posted about the deal... there were even a few $.19 socks and tights.
If I see another deal like this, I'll certainly post again and maybe you can get in before they pull the sale again.

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