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PineCone Research... Surveys...

Update... already full! Will let you all know again if they offer more openings.

I'm on it! I told you I'd let you know if I heard
PineCone was opening up for more participants... and they are.

This time for males only though. Must have hit their quota on females for now.

If you know a male, your boyfriend, a friend, Hubby, a college student, etc that would like to make a few bucks here and there have them use the link to sign up.

If you missed my earlier post today asking for participants, this company is a bit hard to get in to. I've been a member for awhile now and the checks do come, and just a few days after completion of a survey. They pay $3 per completed survey, in case you were wondering.

Survey companies will on occasion ask for someone else in the household to complete a survey. I believe I've had one that asked for a male in the household to complete it in the couple of years I've been doing surveys.


Debra said...

Looks like it's closed now!

Suz said...

Again?!? Wow, that was fast! I just found out about it..

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