I've recently thought about getting on the diet bandwagon again and Weight Watchers®
has always worked for me.
What works for me:
I have joined the program before to get the new information and to get started and motivated, but often don't find it easy to make it to classes so I do the weigh ins on my own. I find that what usually works best for me is to join either online or through my local W.Watchers. I get a jump start and fresh ideas and soon the weight begins to come off which is my next motivator. The hardest part for me is getting started, and then later when I get closer to my goal I get too confident and stop writing things down... that always hurts my final goal.. Always!
Now.. to get started, maybe tomorrow ...
Since I've been feeling the need to lose a few ... I checked out the Weight Watchers site to see if they were offering anything new, and they are.
They have a new plan called the The Momentum Program
Might be something to check out.
Weight Watchers® is also offering a program geared towards men... something they never done before. On the older plans, they offered instructions for men but never gave them a plan of their own. Men tend to lose weight much differently than woman, so this might be a good thing.
Their plans only cost less online,
but if you need the classes to keep you motivated certainly attend them!
Last but not least.... are you avoiding the subject? Trying to convince yourself your fit and fine? Get Your Free Personal Assessment from W.Watchers to find out where you are with fitness.
The Momentum program has been out since January of '09. I've been doing it and it's great.
You said: They have a new plan called the The Momentum Program
that sounds like a mix between the Core Plan and the Flex Points Plan. The biggest change seems to be that you are allowed a certain number of "filler" foods a day to keep you going. You are allowed to eat them only until you are satisfied if you don't want to count them.
Kinda not accurate. You are actually encouraged to eat more filling foods but WW does encourage you to count points and journal foods you eat. You are only allowed a specific amount of points each day based on certain things such as height, age, current weight, how active you are, ect. Then you have 35 EXTRA points per week you can eat or not, it's up to you on rather you consume those points or not.
It's very much like the old flex plan except you are encouraged to eat more filling foods to help fill you up. But, you still count them.
They do still offer a plan similiar to the old core plan where you just eat until satisfied from a list of foods. I don't know how different it is from the old core plan because the old core plan never worked for me so I never checked into it.
WW encourages the tracking and counting of points because they say that studies have shown you lose more that way.
Thanks for the correction. I was just going by what I read on the site and how I interpreted it. I haven't been back in to start up again, so was just reading into it incorrectly.
No problem. WW isn't very forthcoming in giving out all the info on the site. They really want you to join. lol
Thank you for your post and your blog. As always, it is very informative.
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