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NuvaRing Savings... (Birth Control)

Right now you can get a great discount on NuvaRing
with coupons through their website!

For some of you, the coupon will make it Free!!
Yes... I really said free birth control :)

You get a $15 coupon to start, which you can get here,
and then 3 more to follow for a total of $60/4 months in savings.
If you have a copay of $15 or less... 4 months would be free!

Now... for those of you that haven't heard of NuvaRing before, NuvaRing is not your "normal" pill in the package kind of product... it's an entirely different approach to birth control, it's a vaginal ring.

For those of you that don't want to know more,
I suggest you scroll to the next post ...
Now :)

The NuvaRing is placed deep in the vagina and is left there for 3 weeks, then taken out to provide the normal menstrual flow.. for lack of better wording.

It is flexible and most women don't feel it at all. I worked in an OB/GYN office and don't remember anyone that had issues with it bothering them while they wore it... and no, it shouldn't "get it the way" either ... if you know what I mean.. :)

It's a great birth control if you don't like to,
or have trouble remembering to take pills.

Find more info about the NuvaRing here.

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