Here's your chance to get your hands on one of those
wonderful $50 in coupons pamphlet from Walgreens.
wonderful $50 in coupons pamphlet from Walgreens.
If you've not been able to get ahold of one yet, or if you've had one and a cashier insisted they needed the coupon you want to use again, or maybe your friend needs one, or you'd just like to have an extra one. I don' t need to know your situation... I just have an extra that I'd like to give away to someone that could use it.
Just leave a comment on this post and I will draw for a winner tomorrow afternoon, Saturday 11/1.
Please make sure I can get ahold of you in case you win!
My goal is to get it to you so you can use the diaper coupon for this deal coming week if you need it. Check out the deal here if you haven't seen it yet.
Anytime I come across a good deal using one of the coupons in the pamphlet I post it for everyone so you don't have to miss any good deals. So check back often to see what deals are running that you might like to get in on.
For that matter, anytime I come across a good deal period, I post it!
I have looked all over for one of those books. I could REALLY use it....I have 10 people living in my house and I need to save as much as possible. I live in a small town, so there is not much competition...price seem to stay high.... Please pick me!!!!
I would LOVE to win this pamphlet! I have a 2 yr old in pull-ups at night(and bad days) and a 9 month old in diapers and she is just about out. I could really use the diaper coupon. Thanks for giving everyone a chance!
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