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Christmas clearance...

I've found most stores are discounting 50-75% on most Christmas items yet, but there's something you might want to look for if you browse the Christmas clearance items.

There are several sets that were put out this season with a free subscription to Better Homes and Gardens with purchase.
With the clearance of Christmas items, these are a great buy!

I found a cute Christmas tin with a cookie mix inside that had a small spatula and 2 cookie cutters with it. There was a picture of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine on the packaging that said free subscription with purchase. I found this at CVS for 75% off, which made it $2.50. The rebate inside gives me $6 back if I choose not to get the subscription, which is what I plan to do. $3.50 profit for my find.

I saw another of the same kit today at Meijer among the Christmas cookies that were left. They still wanted $6 for it yet.
A friend of mine said she did better yet. She found a couple of different sets at Walmart that offered the free subscription as well. They were different sets with coffee in them, one for $1.25 and the other for $2.50.

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