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Gevalia: 3 offers!!

Right now Gevalia Coffees has three different offers going on...
& I love 'em!

There coffees are wonderful... Speaking from personal experience. My Hubby took the coffeemaker to work, so can't speak about it... but the creme brulee coffee was scrumptious! I only made it when I knew I would have time to enjoy it... :)

Everything You Need For Coffee You'll Love. Get 2 boxes of coffee for just $9.95 and a FREE coffeemaker and Gevalia stainless scoop.



Get 3 boxes of Gevalia coffee and a free stainless steel travel mug for $3.


Treat yourself to 1 box of coffee for $9.95 and get a FREE coffee-for-one coffeemaker.

After you decide which offer works best for you, be aware that you are also signing up for a subscription for future coffee purchases. You will get your first order and have time to decide what you want or if you want any more coffees sent to you. You can go online or call and let them know how often you want coffee & what kinds... if you don't make contact, I believe they will send start sending small shipments based on your first order.

If you decide to cancel after you receive you shipment, a simple phone call is all it takes to let them know.... they gave me no hassle when I decided I didn't want to receive their coffee regularly. You can even notify them on their website or by mail if you like.

You are not required to make any minimum purchases!

Another reason I love Gevalia...

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