Walgreens deals good this week....
Crest ProHealth Mouthwash $4.49 gives $4.50 RR (good through 9/27)=
FREEReach Ultra Clean Floss or Ultra Clean Toothbrushes Buy 2 for $5 get $5 RR this week=
FREESome Visine is $3.99 (this good all month!)
- $2 or $3 manufacturer coupons that are available
-ESC $2
Robitussin/Dimetapp Buy 2 get $5RR, Buy 3 get $10RR through 10/31
There are coupons available
here for $1 Robitussin here for $2 DimetappTriaminic $4.99 gives $2RR
$2 coupon here= $4.99-$2 coupon= $2.99 - $2 RR= $.99 each
Pepsi 12 pk products 3/$11 get $2RR = 3/$9 or $3.33 each
Adidas Antipersperant $1.99 with ISC
-$1 manf.coupon=
$.99 each
2 Packs Nabisco Cookies (2/$5 this week) AND
One Gallon Milk ($3.19 in my local add), receive $3 in RR.
So for $5 in cookies(2 full size packages) + $3.19 in milk= $8.19- $3 RR= $5.19I count this as basically getting the milk for $.19. 2/$5 on the cookies is good in my area!
There have been reports of coupons for$1 off milk when you buy cookies, so if you find these kudos to you!
Possible scenario...
Transaction #1
Buy 1 Crest Prohealth Rinse $4.49
Buy 2 Reach RR products = $5
total = $9.49 get $5 RR and $4.50 RR= FREE
Transaction #2
Buy 2 pkgs of cookies and gallon of milk= $8.19- $5 RR from Reach = $3.19 get $3RR= $.19
Transaction #3
Robitussin on sale 2/$10
buy 3= $15- $3 coupons from here.
$12-$4.50RR from trans #1= $7.50
get $10 RR
In total you spend $7.69 + tax out of pocket and have $3 and $10 RR remaining. (out of pocket would be less for Dimetapp w/$2 coupon but I used Robitussin because I figured more of you would use it than the Dimetapp, you can mix and match on these 2 products and get what you need).
$5.31 profit (-taxes) and you got all that above to take home!
**** Rinse and repeat as many times as you like and have fun!
You can use those leftover RR for items you need, or for an added bonus use them toward the September EasySaver Rebates that are free this month.
Please be a courteous frugal shopper and allow others to go ahead of you when you have several transactions. Also, try not to clear the shelves so others can enjoy the deals as well.
Also a reminder!!! You can't use a RR that you earned on a product to earn again on the same product... for example, if you purchase the Robitussin and get a $10 RR you can't turn around and spend it towards another Robitussin deal. The computer will recognize the coupon as the same deal and not give you another coupon. Do it once and you'll never forget to pay close attention again. :)
See Walgreens 101 on more details on how to do deals at this store.